
Your secret weapon is having your professional read the plans and maps not driving or standing in lines to picking up the plans and maps. You will find that we are much more cost effective on your project budget compared to having your staff request, track the requests and pick up information. What is the real cost of sending yourself or staff to get maps and as-builts? How much billable time is spent requesting, getting and keeping track of the requested maps. We make the requests, keep track of what information is pending, and follow up till we get the information.

We know that you don’t just need the maps that cover your site but 500’-1000’ around your site. You want storm drain plans with the relevant catch basin details. You want the water and sewer stubouts, manholes and/or meters on or closest to your site. If your site is on the edge of the QS map you want the adjacent QS maps. We understand and you don’t have to ask us because we automatically look for these things. We know you have a limited budget so we try to make our fees lump sum and not due till we complete you requests. The following are just some of the services we provide. Please contact us to see how we can help.

The following are just some of the services we provide. Please contact us to see how we can help.